Death Penalty Bill in Israel: An imminent threat to the human rights of Palestinians

Although several provisions of Israeli law allow for the imposition of the death penalty, both in
Israel and in the occupied West Bank, Israel has become a de facto abolitionist country, as it has
carried out the death penalty only once in 1962 in the case of Adolf Eichmann, and has
consistently voted in favor of abolishing the death penalty at the UN.
This situation may change drastically, as of 26 February 2023, the Ministerial Committee for
Legislation voted in support of a proposed Bill: Penal Code (Amendment – Death Penalty for
Terrorists) – 2023 (hereinafter: the Bill). It was then confirmed in a preliminary vote in the Knesset
on 1 March 2023, and on 13 March 2023, was sent to the National Security Committee.